Portrait of Don Alejandro Roces, Sr.

Portrait of Don Alejandro Roces, Sr. (by Fernando Amorsolo)
My apologies for not updating so regularly lately. I've been away from computers on sabbatical and haven't had regular access to computers.
I received an email the other day and was given some pictures to post. This is the first of the four I received.
Hi Brian. I hope You'll find some time to look in to my story as a would be Roces. I & my dad ( to say the least) are at a loss if we really are, & sad to say, legitimately, are members of the Roces family. I hope whar I wrote reaches you & you'll find time to eavaluate it, or maybe the other active members of rhe family would try to evaluate my story, por favor, para matigil na itong kahibangan na ito, i'll try to look for my line elsewhere.
Sorry about that.
Here's hoping we are somehow related. I'll try to behave as one. He-he! We've always behaved as how decent persons will.
Still waiting for my uplines.
Noel Galvez
Noel, at 11/24/2007 01:38:00 PM
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